

These instructions assume you already have an existing CloudFlare account with at least one domain added.


First, you will need to generate a CloudFlare API token for dns01cf to use. This token will need the following two permissions on the zones you want dns01cf to access.

Level: Zone
Category: DNS
Access: Edit

Level: Zone
Category: Zone
Access: Read
Detailed instructions 1. Login to your [CloudFlare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com) 2. Navigate to [User API Tokens](https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens) 3. Click the **Create Token** button 4. Click the **Use template** button next to "Edit zone DNS" 5. Under "Permissions" leave the first permission as "Zone", "DNS", "Edit" 6. Then click **+ Add more** * In the new dropdowns select in order: "Zone", "Zone", "Read" 7. Under "Zone Resources" change this to the zones you want *dn01cf* to access 8. Click the **Continue to summary** button 9. Make sure everything looks correct then click the **Create Token** button 10. Copy the API token it gives you. **Do not lose this token, it is only shown once!**


Create a new CloudFlare Worker, open the Quick Edit editor, clear the contents and copy the contents of the worker.js file in the dns01cf repository into the CloudFlare editor, save and deploy.

Detailed instructions 1. Login to your [CloudFlare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com) 2. Navigate to **Workers & Pages** * Hint: Halfway down the left menu before you select any of your domains 3. Click the **Create application** button 4. Click the **Create Worker** button 5. Give the worker a name (for example, `dns01cf`), then click the **Deploy** button 6. Next, click the **Edit code** button * If you click **Configure Worker**, that's okay. Just click the **Quick edit** button in the upper-right corner. 7. Clear out the entire contents of the `worker.js` file that opens in the editor 8. Copy the entire contents of the [`worker.js`](worker.js) file in this repository into the CloudFlare editor from the prior step * Note: Make sure that everything from the license comment at the top to the `/** dns01cf - EOF */` comment at the bottom was copied 9. Click the **Save and deploy** button in the upper-right corner, and again in the popup dialog * Note: If this button is grayed out, add then remove an extra blank line at the botton of the file and wait a moment for the button to become active 10. In the upper-left corner underneath of the CloudFlare logo, click the name of your *dns01cf* application to return to your CloudFlare dashboard


Add the two required environment variables listed below, as well as any of the optional ones listed further down, save and deploy.

Detailed instructions 1. Login to your [CloudFlare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com) 2. Navigate to **Workers & Pages** * Hint: Halfway down the left menu before you select any of your domains 3. Click on the *dns01cf* application you created from the [CLOUDFLARE WORKER](#cloudflare-worker) instructions above 4. Click the **Settings** tab in the middle of the page, then click the **Variables** tab in the center-left of the page 5. Add the two required environment variables listed below, as well as any of the optional ones listed further down * Note: It is *STRONGLY* recommended that you click the **Encrypt** button when adding the required environment variable that contain sensitive information 6. Click the **Save and deploy** button



The CloudFlare API token that will be used by dns01cf to perform DNS updates.

You can find instructions for creating this token above in the CLOUDFLARE API TOKEN section.

NOTICE It is STRONGLY recommended that you click the Encrypt button when adding this environment variable.

The secret used to sign and validate client JWTs.

NOTICE It is STRONGLY recommended that you click the Encrypt button when adding this environment variable.


Click to expand ##### `ACL_STRICT_ACME_HOSTNAME` | Default: `false` | |--| If set to `true`, ACLs will not implicitly permit an `_acme-challenge.` prefix and each ACL must have this prefix specifically defined, or a wildcard present, for `_acme-challenge.` to be permitted. ##### `API_TIMEOUT` | Default: `5000` | |--| How long in milliseconds to wait for an API call to complete. ##### `DAT_MAX_LENGTH` | Default: `8192` | |--| Maximum length of a `dat` miscellaneous data object in a client JWT. ##### `DISABLE_ANON_TELEMETRY` | Default: `false` | |--| Disable sending anonymous telemetry during cron jobs (only the current running version of *dns01cf* is sent). If you leave this enabled, thank you! :heart: ##### `DISABLE_POWERED_BY` | Default: `false` | |--| Disable showing an `X-Powered-By` header in responses. If you leave this enabled, thank you! :heart: ##### `DNS01CF_PATH_PREFIX` | Default: *(empty)* | |--| If set, this prefix will be required on all *dns01cf* listener calls, including `create_token`. Example: If `DNS01CF_PATH_PREFIX` is set to `foobar`, then to create a token the path would be `/foobar/dns01cf/create_token`. ##### `ENABLE_CREATE_TOKEN` | Default: `false` | |--| Must be set to `true` in order to use the `create_token` endpoint. For security this is not enabled by default. ##### `LISTENERS` | Default: `dns01cf` | |--| A comma-delimited list of listeners to enable for clients to use, evaluated in order of first to last. Supported listeners: * `dns01cf` * `acmedns` ##### `RECORD_EXPIRATION` | Default: `86400` | |--| How long a TXT record should last for before the cron job is permitted to prune it. Used when [LISTENERS](#LISTENERS) contains `acmedns`. Must be no less than the setting of [RECORD_TTL](#RECORD-TTL) and no greater than 86400. ##### `RECORD_TTL` | Default: `60` | |--| The TTL value for a TXT record. Must be between 60 and 86400. ##### `TOKEN_ALGO` | Default: `HS256` | |--| Algorithm to use when generating a client JWT. Supported algorithms: * `HS256` * `HS384` * `HS512`


You can optionally enable a scheduled cron job that periodically performs two actions:

  1. Deletes old dns01cf DNS records that were not deleted by ACME clients (e.g. when using the acmedns listener)
  2. Sends us anonymous telemetry so we can roughly estimate how many people are using dns01cf
  3. Note: This only sends the current running version of dns01cf. You can disable this by setting the DISABLE_ANON_TELEMETRY environment variable in the OPTIONAL section above.

It is suggested to schedule this to run every 6 hours.

Detailed instructions 1. Login to your [CloudFlare dashboard](https://dash.cloudflare.com) 2. Navigate to **Workers & Pages** * Hint: Halfway down the left menu before you select any of your domains 3. Click on the *dns01cf* application you created from the [CLOUDFLARE WORKER](#cloudflare-worker) instructions above 4. Click the **Triggers** tab in the middle of the page, then scroll down to the "Cron Triggers" section 5. Click the **Add Cron Trigger** button 6. Change the "Execute Worker every" dropdowns to "Hour(s)" and "6" * Hint: The "Cron" field below should show `0 */6 * * *` 7. Click the **Add Trigger** button